Matchbox Volvo C30 Diecast Car Toys for Children As gift

When buying diecast car toys for children, you must have heard of the Matchbox brand, which is a trademark registered in 1953. Compared with another diecast car brand Hot Wheels, Matchbox models were paid more attention to authenticity and details, many models are made according to scaled-down versions of real vehicles, and even the vehicle’s interior and engine can be clearly seen.

Matchbox’s models also cover various types, including cars, sports cars, engineering vehicles, etc., but generally speaking, its style is more biased towards real vehicles.

We have introduced a few Volvo C30 diecast models at different scales by different brands such as Welly and Motorart, and today we will share a mini scale Volvo C30 car toy by Matchbox.

Matchbox Volvo C30 Car Toy in Red

Matchbox Volvo C30 Car Toy in Red

Matchbox Volvo C30 Car Toy in Blue

Matchbox Volvo C30 Car Toy in Blue

Matchbox Volvo C30 Car Toy in Black

Matchbox Volvo C30 Car Toy in Black

Looking at pictures, three different colors including red, black and blue are available, and you can choose any you favorite color. For me, I was attracted by the wheel hub of this car toy because it is so distinctive compared with all Volvo C30 models.